A total number of 200 pastors and friends attended in each of the 2 days.
This is the highest average attendance in the 8 years of the conference in Lagos.
The theme of the conference was “Earnestly Contend for the Faith” taken from Jude 3.
Pastor Chris Buss of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, UK, brought one message based on the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was presented as an example to pastors and believers of how to stand up for the glory of God in a Christ denying environment like ours in Lagos, Nigeria. Nehemiah had a personal relationship with God which inspires and enhances in one, capabilities for both spiritual and human management. Nehemiah had a burden for suffering people and for the need to rebuild Jerusalem and the ruined temple of God in Jerusalem. Believers and particularly Pastors, need to desire and pray for the graces given to Nehemiah to labour for the Lord in our generation.
Pastor Joe Jacowitz of Christ Bible Church, St. Ramon, California, USA, brought 2 messages on the Gospel of the Glory of God. The Gospel being a received gospel must be transmitted to souls in its pure form, in total dependence on God the Holy Spirit, for the effectual deliverance of sinners and for the glory of God. All the elements of the gospel must be preached in love. And Pastor Joe brought out 10 elements of the gospel. (God, Sin, the Law, Vanity of Life, Heaven and Hell, New Birth, Grace, Repentance, Faith, Salvation in Christ).
Pastor Stanford Murrell, of Redeeming Grace Ministries, Micco, Florida, USA, brought 2 messages on the 2 pillars of the Reformation – Sola Scriptura and Solus Christus. The participants were challenged to see that the prevalent belief in 2009 of a “rapture” of believers and a withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from the world was a teaching from the kingdom of darkness and a departure from Sola Scriptura, and a return to the dark ages. From the response of many to this challenge, we are grateful to God for honouring His name in the Conference. Brother Stan proclaimed to all that Christ Jesus is the only Saviour, His is the only Sacrifice, He is the only Mediator. Indeed “burdens are lifted at Calvary”.
Pastor Paul Crossley of Tinshill Free Church, Leeds, England, UK, brought one message on witnessing: reminding all that personal witnessing remains a command to all in the church. All believers ought to be involved one way or another in the Great Commission in our immediate communities by personally witnessing.
Pastor Ani Ekpo of Christ’s Reformed Baptist Church, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, brought one message on Soli Deo Gloria, God’s glory alone, also tracing the historical foundation of the pillars of the Reformation. The practices in the church during the dark ages that led to the Reformation have come back into the Church in Nigeria, hence the need to emphasize the pillars of the Reformation that God used in reviving the Church. The Reformers lived and died for Scripture alone, Christ alone, Faith alone and Grace alone, because they saw that these principles gave all glory to God and none to man.
Pastor Abiodun Longe, the retired General Overseer of the Upper Room Baptist Church, Ketu-Lagos, who encountered Sovereign Grace Doctrines through reading and the television Ministry of Dr Peter Masters, brought one message on Sola Fide, Faith alone. The participants were challenged to re-think their stand on the grace of faith which is a gift from God, and never native in any individual outside of Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Pastor Femi Sonuga-Oye, fresh from London Theological Seminary, and an elder of Sovereign Grace Bible Church, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, brought one message on the Doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints-that God is able to uphold all that God has saved. The ever present power of God will keep those He saves till the end. Saved ones will persevere in the faith, out of love for the Lord, who saved them, and for the sake of His glory.
The tenth message was brought by Pastor Tony Okoroh of Sovereign Grace Bible Church, Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria reminding participants of the Sovereign Grace of God expressed in the Doctrines of the Total depravity of man and the Unconditional election of sinners to salvation.
Books received from Metropolitan Tabernacle London, UK, and from Mount Zion Bible Church, Pensacola, Florida, USA were distributed free to many of the registered attendees. More stock of books are being expected from Port Harcourt to be distributed later to registered participants. The stock arrived a bit late for the Lagos Conference. All that came received a free CD of Dr. Stanford Murrell’s written works. There were other CDs of recorded music and sermons from the USA given out to as many as registered for the conference.
We, in Lagos, Nigeria, testify to the goodness of God in the many ways things were provided for the conference.
The venue was offered free by the Shepherdhill Baptist Church, Obanikoro, Lagos, whose Pastor, Rev. Israel Kristilere assisted greatly in word of mouth advertisement of the conference. Books and financial contributions came from friends, abroad and local. Indeed our God is faithful. We look to Him to bless the words spoken and distributed.
We have endeavored to defend and protect the faith “once for all delivered unto the saints”. The battle is His. Ours is to abide and be strong in Him, and in the power of His might.